Into the unknown is pretty much what I thought and how I felt when I was accepted into a study abroad program in South Africa. The University of Colorado has small group study abroad programs, called Global Seminars, in which a group of about 10 students with the accompaniment of one Professor from CU studies in a foreign country for a certain period of time. My program went to South Africa for three weeks in May of 2010. We traveled to Johannesburg and Cape Town. That trip was a once in a lifetime experience!
When I started my blog, I decided to post about a few trips from the past.
I traveled to South Africa for Study Abroad in May of 2010 with the Global Seminar program at CU. It was a three-week course on reconciliation and diversity in South Africa after the Apartheid. The course took us to Johannesburg and Cape Town. I loved every minute of it, and I even got a few days off, one of which I spent with a really good friend of mine from South Africa. Here are some of the pictures from my trip!
You can see the pictures on my blog at South Africa.
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